Bereavement assistance: benefits and documentation

Bereavement assistance: benefits and documentation

By: Rosée Tremblay - Family Advisor

When someone passes away, the family of the deceased is often faced with many concerns, particularly financially and legally. That's why it's important to have expert support and advice to help you through this difficult time. Our aim is to provide you with personalized care and compassion.

At Memoria, our services include death benefit claims and documentation to relieve your family of the administrative and financial aspects associated with the loss of a loved one.

What are the government benefits available?

From Retraite Québec, benefits may be paid if the deceased worked after January 1, 1966, for a period of approximately 10 years while contributing to the RRQ.

  1. The $2500 death benefit is issued by cheque and sent to the estate of the deceased or to the person who paid the funeral expenses.

    This benefit helps families cover certain expenses, often related to funeral and notary fees.

  2. The surviving spouse's pension is a monthly pension paid to the surviving spouse for life. The amount of this pension varies according to various factors, including the deceased's RRQ contributions, the spouse's age, disability (if applicable), dependent children and more.

  3. The orphan's pension is a monthly pension payable to the person who supports the deceased's biological or adopted child until age 18.

If the deceased loved one did not work or contribute to the RRQ, a special benefit may be paid to the person who paid the funeral expenses. The funeral home will apply to Retraite Québec for the death benefit, and the family will receive a letter of refusal. With this letter, the family can go to a Services Québec office to claim this special benefit, up to a maximum of $2500.

What other financial assistance is available?

The deceased may have a life insurance policy, payable on death to the designated beneficiary. This policy can be claimed by the beneficiary as soon as the funeral home issues the death certificate.

Let's demystify death documentation...

  1. The Statement of Death (SP3) is drawn up by a doctor after the death has been declared. The funeral home collects this document along with the body; it is not given to the family.

  2. The Declaration of Death (DEC100) is a document sent to the Directeur de l'état civil du Québec by the funeral home, and is used to register the death. A copy may be given to the family.

  3. The attestation of death is a document that certifies the death following receipt of the death certificate. It is given to the family and may be useful for notifying public institutions (Hydro Quebec, internet and telephone accounts), claiming life insurance policies, employers or landlords.

  4. The death certificate or copy of the act of death is an official document issued by the Directeur de l'état civil du Québec following registration of the death in the register. It is the only legal document recognized for inheritance purposes (bank, notary, etc.).

We hope you have found this article helpful and enlightening, and we wish you and your loved ones a peaceful death process. For more information or help with the legal formalities, please contact us at 514 277-7778. One of our advisors will be happy to assist you.

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