Bereavement counselling.

Bereavement counselling.

By: Rosée Tremblay, Family Advisor

There are many aspects to a death. However, we believe that one of the most important is psychological support. When you're grieving, you have to deal with your emotions first and foremost and we want to support you in this process.

We help you with adapted activities, and it's free.

  • Individual service: Up to six (6) one-hour meetings per family with psychologist Diane Légaré or psychosocial counsellor Michel Trozzo.

Often subject to a fee, this service is offered to you if you are a client of ours. You can benefit from it, according to your choice, one week, one month or even one year after the death of your loved one, since the grieving process is different from one person to another and each bereavement is unique.

  • Group service: Lundis-causeries, group meetings for everyone, whether or not you are a client of ours, offers you a space to discuss and share your grief. The talks are led by psychosocial counsellor Michel Trozzo.

When we feel the need to attach ourselves to a group to quietly develop a new routine, these meetings are ideal. It allows us to share, understand and listen to other bereaved people.

  • Group art therapy: This more artistic activity is designed for all those who wish to use their hands to express their feelings, under the guidance of one of our art therapists.

We invite you to register for the next session, so reserve your place soon! *$25 fee for non-customers of Memoria.

  • Group yoga: Practicing yoga and meditation reconnects us with our body and mind. As a result, you'll feel more at peace after the activity, and enjoy a higher level of well-being. You'll be guided by our teacher in a class adapted for the bereaved.

Find out more about our activities here: 


What stage of grief am I in?

It can be encouraging to see the evolution of our mental state. Here are the different stages of grief according to the Monbourquette Foundation :

  1. Shock and denial
  2. Emotional expression
  3. Concrete grief-related tasks
  4. The search for meaning
  5. The exchange of forgiveness
  6. Letting go
  7. Spiritual legacy

More details here (French only):

If you've read this far and need more tools, here are some other easily accessible telephone resources:

For everyone, Tel-Deuil: 1 888 533 3845

For adults, Tel-Écoute: 514 493-4484

For seniors (65+), Tel-Aînés: 514 353-246

For young people, Tel-jeunes: 1 800 263-2266


It's normal to feel lost or overwhelmed when grieving, and asking for help is an important and courageous step. You don't have to go through this alone. Try to accept help from others and take advantage of support services.
